Thursday, July 19, 2007

Who Else Is Obsessed With Mobile Marketing?

I have been going through my desk notes and blog postings from the last month. Up until very recently there are more posts about mobile marketing in Technorati. Its about time that this country has caught up with the insightful craze.

But how could they not? Avoiding the topic of Mobile Marketing is nearly impossible with the arrival of the new IPHONE. Its nice to see this topic get some attention.

The UK had written much about it in its trade journals and industry magazines. Most of these can be purchased at Borders and Barnes and Nobles. They had predicted a rise in the new technology.

True, only 10% of online ads get clicked on but who cares? I mean, we are lucky to get a 5% or more response in direct mail right? The fact that anyone is taking this medium seriously is uplifting. Then of course there is the total DIGITAL WEB VIDEO aspect to this entire thing. This means that if you have the guts and some imagination you can create your very own informercial of sorts.

Getting your infomercial produced can be rough. You have to get the commercial shot and edited then you have to get it into the right market. All of this takes effort, expense and a whole lotta sweat. Even then there is a very good chance that you can flop. In fact according to Gunthy and Renker there are a lot of informercials that barely see the light of day before they are canned.

The success rate for informercials is very small.

So why not go digital and get it out there?

* Your production costs go WAY DOWN
* Your editing costs are minimilized

* You can get into tight niche markets
* You have full creative control
* You can control who accesses this material

As if thats not enough here is what we found on the DM News, (direct marketing news blog)

Here is a interesting point of view from Omar Tawakol, Chief Advertising Officer, Medio Systems on a new survey conducted by Harris Interactive saying that 70 percent of respondents deleted mobile ads, and only about 10% took some type of positive action in response.

“Interestingly, sponsored text links got the most favorable response: ‘A sponsored link that as appears as the result of an Internet search I did on my mobile phone’ got the highest positive response with more than 25 percent of those polled saying this kind of advertising was acceptable.No surprise here. Look at the online world. Ads tied to search queries are considered part of content and generate click-through rates as high as +20 percent because an ad that returns highly relevant ads as part of an answer to a question, is perceived by consumers as a service.With mobile adverting, relevance is key.

Get the whole article here.....

Mobile marketing has already seen the light of day in Australia and in England. There have been some early adapters in major cities with an entertainment search engine. But there has been NOTHING like the kind of changes we are now facing in this complex media environment. Its exciting and encouraging.

Ted Cantu posted this onJuly 19, 2007 and can be found at

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